Friday, September 4, 2015

Kolkata in News

Now a days , news papers and TV news channels are concentrating to provide latest updates on Sheen Bora Murder case. Arushi Murder case , Sheena Bora Murder mysteries have provided journalism a new angle. But this is not good angle. Through out the nation , thousands of important news are important , but all news channels want to mint money and fully concentrating on showing news on Indrani, Peter, Das, Sheena's Diary, relationship of Indrani with Khanna and Peter, etc etc. Journalists are not concentrating to detect the murderer but showing the activities of Police. They will say " its not my work " but just think --- if a journo says I know who killed Sheena .... just imagine his name fame and fortune.. but such devotion and sharpness is missing in modern journalism.

Indian news channels resist Kolkata city ... but now Kolkata is very fortunate to get a permanent news on Sheena Bora Murder case as accused and their past were connected to city of joy. A lot of people are interviewed in Kolkata and they are very fortunate to come on the TV for the first time ( probably the last time ). Kolkata has a lot of good and bad things to be covered by news agencies but currently Indrani has made the city popular.

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